United Solicitors takes on hundreds of cycling accident compensation claims each year. Claims cover damage to bikes, medical expenses, and loss of earnings if an injury prevents a person from continuing to cycle.

Cycling accidents can have traumatic, life-changing consequences. While bicycle accidents bear a striking resemblance to motor vehicle crashes, there are some unique dynamics involved.

Traffic laws for bicyclists

While more people are cycling to work and enjoying the city’s vistas, there are an increasing number of crashes between vehicles and cyclists. These accidents can result in serious injuries and even death. These accidents often occur when a driver is distracted or intoxicated. This is why it is important to follow the rules of the road and always wear a helmet. A bicycle accident lawyer can help injured cyclists file a claim for compensation from the at-fault party.

Manchester's bike traffic laws are designed to ensure that riders can use the streets safely. These laws require that bikes ride on the right-hand side of the roadway and that drivers leave three feet or more of space when passing a bicycle. It is also illegal for cyclists to ride on sidewalks unless they are specifically marked as being so.

In addition to following the road’s rules, cyclists should be vigilant about their surroundings and always check to make sure that they can see other traffic on the road. Cyclists should also be aware that parked cars may open their doors. They should also avoid riding in the same lane as a bus or truck.

There are some cyclists who advocate a system called “strict liability,” in which a more powerful vehicle is automatically found liable for a crash involving a vulnerable road user like a pedestrian or cyclist unless the more vulnerable road user can prove that it was his or her own fault.

While the roads in and around Manchester were not built for biking, the law does allow cyclists to share the road with motorized vehicles, as long as they obey the rules of the road. In order to do this, they must obey all road signs and signals, including speed limits. They must also yield to pedestrians in a crosswalk. They must also give an audible signal when turning. They must also signal before passing or merging with vehicular traffic. In addition, they must obey traffic laws regarding parking on sidewalks, and must not obstruct any pedestrians or other bicycles.


Motorcycle riders are exposed to a greater risk of injury due to their unique position on the road. They must rely on their own judgment to avoid hazards and are less able to observe traffic signals. Motorcyclists must also be careful not to ride abreast of other vehicles, or between lanes of traffic or parked cars. In addition, they must give way to pedestrians on zebra crossings and must not pass near them.

In some cases, a motorist who hits a cyclist may claim that the victim shared some of the blame for the accident. This is based on the principle of contributory negligence, which is used in personal injury claims to assign fault. If a plaintiff is found to be partially responsible for an accident, the total compensation award may be reduced accordingly. This is why it’s important to have a Manchester bike accident lawyer on your side to defend your rights.

A lawyer can help you determine if the defendant’s actions violated local laws and regulations. They can also help you file a lawsuit within the required timeframe. In addition, a lawyer can handle settlement negotiations on your behalf and ensure you receive a fair payout.

Bicycle accident victims can pursue both economic and non-economic damages after a collision with a vehicle. These include medical expenses, property damage, and loss of wages. Economic damages can also cover the cost of a replacement bike and cycling accessories.

The best time to hire a Manchester bike accident lawyer is immediately after an incident. If you wait too long, the statute of limitations may expire and you won’t be able to file your lawsuit. An attorney can also help you gather evidence to support your claim and build a strong case in court. They can even investigate the case to look into the defendant’s driving record and police report to see what they have on the accident. They can also take a closer look at the crash scene to collect more evidence. This can help them prove the other party’s negligence. They can even help you get the compensation you need to pay for your medical bills and pain and suffering.


Often, motorists do not pay attention to the road and fail to give cyclists the space and courtesy they deserve as road users. Unfortunately, this can lead to serious accidents, cycling accident lawyers manchester can help a victim recover damages from the at-fault party. They will review the details of the case and recommend the best course of action.

Many accidents happen at intersections, and it is important for both parties to understand the rules of the road and what each must do to stay safe. Drivers must check their blind spot before making a turn, and they must give cyclists plenty of room to pass them. The law requires that a motor vehicle leave at least three feet of space between itself and a bicycle it is trying to overtake. If a driver fails to maintain this distance, it is likely they will hit the cyclist and cause injury.

It is also important for drivers to keep an eye out for the weather, which can affect the safety of cyclists. Cyclists can be particularly vulnerable to sudden weather changes, such as rain and ice. Drivers should be especially cautious around cyclists during these conditions, and they should avoid driving if possible.

Depending on the circumstances of a particular accident, a plaintiff may be entitled to punitive damages in addition to the normal compensatory damages. These damages are designed to punish the defendant for egregious conduct or willful disregard for others’ safety. The victim must prove that the defendant acted with conscious indifference to the safety of others and was not acting in a reasonable manner.

A good lawyer will help their client collect evidence that will prove the defendant’s negligence, such as police reports and witness testimony. The attorney will also look at expert opinions regarding the accident and its causes. By doing this, they can determine which party is liable and how much of the victim’s injuries they will cover.

Visit Website: https://www.united-solicitors.co.uk/road-traffic-accident-claims/

A personal injury attorney can also work to recover compensation for a victim’s property damage. This can include the cost of a new bicycle and any other personal belongings that were lost or damaged. In some cases, the victim may be able to recover compensation for lost earnings and medical expenses.


Many people use bicycles to get around, saving money on gas and keeping their bodies in good shape. However, these riders can suffer serious injuries in crashes caused by negligent motorists. In these cases, victims should seek legal assistance to ensure that their rights are protected. A personal injury lawyer can help them build a strong case and receive fair compensation.

Injuries from cycling accidents are often severe, requiring lengthy hospital stays and medical treatments. In some cases, victims may not be able to work and will need to depend on others for financial support. This makes it important for them to hire cycling accident lawyers manchester to handle settlement negotiations. These lawyers can also help victims navigate the complicated process of filing a lawsuit.

A cyclist’s legs and arms are particularly vulnerable to injuries when they are hit by vehicles or fall off their bikes. These injuries can range from minor scratches to fractured limbs. They may also require surgery and long rehabilitation periods. In the most severe cases, a cyclist can sustain brain damage, which can have devastating effects on their lives.

As a result of the physical and emotional pain caused by these injuries, bicycle crash victims deserve compensation. Compensation may cover medical expenses, lost wages, and property damages. A lawyer can help injured bicyclists obtain the compensation they need to live a full life.

It is important to file a lawsuit promptly after a bike accident. If you wait too long, the defendant will be able to argue that the statute of limitations has expired and the court will not recognize the case. A lawyer can also file the lawsuit on behalf of a client, which is helpful if they are unable to do it themselves.

Lastly, a lawyer can help clients prepare for trial by gathering evidence and preparing a strong argument. This will ensure that the jury understands the case and can make an informed decision. Moreover, it will help the plaintiff win a larger payout.

The type of compensation awarded to a plaintiff depends on the severity of their injuries and the amount of losses they have suffered. The amount of compensation may also vary depending on the area of their body affected by the accident. For example, leg and arm injuries will usually attract higher compensation than soft tissue or head trauma.

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